Stonedge Chapel and Steep Turnpike Evangelical Church invite you to an evening with evangelist and author
Roger Carswell
on Saturday 21 October at Ashover Parish Hall from 7.30pm.
Free admission and hot drinks – just turn up!
Roger has written 11 books including ‘And Some Evangelists’ and ‘Where is God in a Messed-up World’. He leads evangelistic church and university missions and speaks at Christian conferences.
During the evening Roger will be interviewing David Donegani from Loughborough and there will be singing items from John Pickering.
David is a father of 4 children, two of whom were diagnosed with a rare condition meaning they would probably only live into their teenage years. Come and hear his story of what it’s like to trust Jesus even through suffering and struggles.
John is the pastor of Hasland Baptist Church. He has spent many years using his musical talent in evangelism, both in churches and on the streets.
For further information, please visit: www.stonedgechapel.org.uk